Read Instructions Carefully Before Proceeding
If you are purchasing property, you must provide proof-of-purchase (i.e. sales contract or settlement statement provided to you by the bank), a photo ID, and pay a non-refundable connection fee of $50.00.
If you are leasing or leasing to own a property you must provide a copy of your lease agreement or lease to own agreement, a rent receipt with the physical address of the property plus owner’s signature & phone number is acceptable, a photo ID, and payment of a $50 connection fee (non-refundable) and a $100 renters deposit is required. The deposit fee will be held against your final bill. Any credit balance will be mailed to the address that is provided by you at disconnection.
There are three ways that are provided for you to set up your new service connection. The online forms must be filled out with proof of purchase or lease agreement sent via email, fax, or US mail. The service charge and deposit may be paid via credit card, check, or money order. If you choose to set up your new service in person at our office, you may pay with cash. Please do not send cash through US mail. Service applicants will not be processed until all criteria are met. One business day notice is required from the day that we receive the new service connection. Requests received after 3:30 pm will be processed the next business day. Knox Chapman does not process requests on weekends or holidays.
By applying for service, the customer agrees to the pay all fees associated with starting service as well as monthly billing statements for service. Failure to do so will result in disconnection of service. Once service is active a minimum bill will be charged monthly regardless of usage. To avoid minimum bill, customers must contact utility to disconnect service. Customer agrees that Knox Chapman may enter property at any time for inspection or repair of water/sewer lines, meters, or laterals.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

Disconnection of Service
Our policy states that Knox Chapman Utility District will discontinue (cut off) service for the following reasons:
- Nonpayment of bill or other charges
- Partial payment of bill or other charges if a past due balance is left owed
- Failure to comply with utility rules, regulations, or policies
- Any threat to public health
- Tampering with utility equipment or stealing service
- In the event a customer has more than one service on a tap.
- Refusal to pick up a returned check
- Refusal of a customer to fix a known leak
Additional fees will apply to restore your service if your water has been cut off. View Current Rates.